McCain and VP Choice

September 2, 2008 at 8:26 am | Posted in elections, government, humor, PhotoShop Fun, political campaigns, president | 6 Comments
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So McCain doesn’t think Obama is qualified to be president.  McCain, who constantly reminds us he is a war hero and knows how to win a war thinks he has what it takes.  Though he personally has never actually won a war, he was a prisoner of war (for five years) possibly because he wasn’t a good enough soldier not to get CAUGHT by the enemy.   Word on the street is that once he was captured he sang like a canary.  His hero status is likely due only to a technicality that bestows hero status on all prisoners of war.  I don’t know this for a fact and to be honest at the moment I don’t feel like looking it up, so I’m speculating based on the fact that much of his service in Viet Nam was in a prison.

He comes across as dazed, confused, and forgetful most of the time.  He says he supports our troops and doesn’t back it up with action, like supporting the GI bill for one.  He flip-flops all the time, but probably only because he doesn’t possess the mental acuity to remember his most recent position on any particular issue.  These may seem like qualifications for the office of president because they are so much like those of the idiot who presently holds the position.

Speaking of qualifications, if McCain ends up in the White House and kicks the bucket, then Ms. Palin becomes president how qualified is she for the job?

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