Bush, YOU’RE FIRED! Time for a Regime Change

June 2, 2007 at 12:38 am | Posted in Bush, Current Events, government, insanity, political, sick & Twisted, stupidity, war | 7 Comments

One day last week while driving and listening to NPR replaying of a couple of Bush clips I remember thinking, every time that man opens his mouth something extremely stupid comes out. I thought..naw a country like the U.S. couldn’t possibly have an idiot like that holding the highest office and I must be having an absurdly bad dream. Somebody pinch me PLEASE!

Friends of his from Texas were shocked recently to find him nearly wild-eyed, thumping himself on the chest three times while he repeated “I am the president!” He also made it clear he was setting Iraq up so his successor could not get out of “our country’s destiny     read more

That’s right, as a taxpaying citizen I’m your boss and it’s time you were fired. Unfortunately I’m only one of your bosses. In the private sector, unless your job title was Head Moron in Charge of Evil Doing, you would have been given the boot and escorted, by security, from the building long ago.

Now we find out that in addition to being stupid, dishonest, and evil it appears that you have now lost that lone marble that was rolling around inside your skull as a feeble substitute for a brain.

In my opinion anyone who still supports the Bush Regime must be either clinically insane or intellectually and morally bankrupt.


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  1. Honjii,
    I’ve got one question for you.
    “Why don’t you like George Bush?”
    And please don’t simply say ‘because he’s a bad president.’ Please expand if you don’t mind.

  2. Saying he’s a bad president is a gross understatement. Have you been paying attention? He is beyond horrible.

    I’m assuming you’re asking why I don’t like him as a president (though I doubt I’d like him in any situation). I think my remarks above should give you a basic idea of why I don’t like him.

    As the leader of what is supposed to be the greatest nation on the planet, he is an embarrassment. English only? Don’t you think the president ought to be able to speak it? I’ve heard five year olds that are more articulate than Bush. The way he speaks and the ways in which he responds to questions are an indication of his lack of cognitive skills. Even though the requirements to become president are minimal I think the guy that has the top job should have the intelligence to do the job competently. Bush doesn’t. He doesn’t even seem to have a grasp on reality and frankly the man is dangerous.

    He lies. Yeah, I know, so do all the politicians, but Bush takes it to extremes that make the other guys/gals look pure as the driven snow.

    I’m guessing you think he’s doing a good job. Could that be because god speaks to him?

  3. A president’s ability to speak does nothing to effect his leadership capabilities.
    He lies? When?

    And just to let you know, I am not trying to attack anyone here.
    I haven’t followed polotics much – but I do like Bush. Granted, he has messed up – but no one is perfect and I think he has done a good job with the difficult times he has faced.

  4. I didn’t say Bush’s lack of ability to speak had anything to do with his leadership skills; though the leader of an English speaking country who advocates “English Only” should have more than a nursery school level grasp on the language. If you go back and read (and try to comprehend) what I said was:

    The way he speaks and the ways in which he responds to questions are an indication of his lack of cognitive skills.

    It is this lack of cognitive skills that renders him unfit to be a good leader.

    I do like Bush. Granted, he has messed up – but no one is perfect and I think he has done a good job with the difficult times he has faced.

    To say of Bush “no one is perfect” is like saying Katrina was a little breeze that blew through New Orleans. Those difficult times of which you speak were largely created by Bush.

  5. Difficult times and Katrina were created by Bush?
    What, does Bush have a weather machine out in the Atlantic?

    Did you know that the US (non-New Orleans services) tried to help with Katrina, but the Mayor of New Orleans wouldn’t let the US help? Bush then (I’m pretty sure) had to declare a state of emergency to actually get in there and help.

  6. To say of Bush “no one is perfect” is like saying Katrina was a little breeze that blew through New Orleans.

    Honjii makes an analogy (comparison) and from this statement you get that she is blaming Bush for Katrina. If you got that from what she said I feel sorry for you. Do you have someone to help you get dressed and feed yourself? Like Honjii said about Bush’s lack of cognitive thinking skills, your posts throughout this blog kinda indicate the same about you.

    Brian, it’s no wonder you can’t understand how evolution works, you must be a moron. Hard to believe people like you can make it through a day.

    Gawd…..stupidity abounds!

  7. Monique,
    While I welcome all comments, opinions, and criticisms… please let’s not resort to name calling and insults.

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