Bizzaro World

May 19, 2010 at 8:17 pm | Posted in crooks & liars, elections, hypocrisy, irony, News, political, social comment, strange news, stupidity | Leave a comment
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Sarah Palin’s daughter, the teen-aged single mother, signed with a speakers’ agency and can be booked, for your event, for a mere $15,000.00 to $30,000.00.  What the hell is she going to speak about and who’s gonna hire her?  I imagine it going something like this:  OK well like yeah I like did it with Levi and I was a virgin when we first went all the way, like he tells me he knows a way to do it without getting preggers…so like I decided to go on this mission to like tell other girls not to believe it..cause it will like ruin your life and so I want to be a role model. Wouldn’t that send a message to young girls; get pregnant at 15, have the kid and get a sweet gig with great pay.

It seems like the dumber you are the more likely you will become rich and famous.  It’s as if money sticks to dumb.  I don’t know if she is any smarter than her mother but I’m guessing not.  Paris Hilton is starting to look like an intellect compared to just about everyone remotely associated with politics.


Tea Party Favorite Rand Paul Wins Senate GOP Primary in Kentucky.

Need I say more?


Then there is Richard Blumenthal who doesn’t know the difference between misspeaking and outright lying.  If you clearly, on more than one occasion, talk about your service in Vietnam and you have never served in Vietnam that would be a lie.  If you say something, that is true, in a way that can lead to an unintentional misunderstanding, that would be misspeaking.  Watch this video and decide for yourself, did Blumenthal lie or misspeak?


Rima Fakih, Miss Michigan, an Arab-American won the title of Miss USA, 2010.  It should come as no surprise that this would attract all kinds of pathetic, hateful comments and accusations.

Yes, that is correct – our new Miss USA Rima Fakih is Arab-American! A great day for Arab-Americans – at least it should be until a group of ultra right wing haters begin their concerted attack upon her.

Some have alleged that this is a plot by Arabs to take over the beauty pageants. Full disclosure: Arabs do control the annual Camel Beauty contest in Saudi Arabia so there could be some basis to this claim as we look to move from controlling camel pageants to controlling beauty pageants that feature animals with two legs.  read more

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