Presidential Library Destroyed by Flood

October 13, 2007 at 1:10 am | Posted in Bush, humor, president, stupidity | 4 Comments
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Got this from a friend today, it made me laugh, so I wanted to share.

Crawford Texas – A tragic flood has destroyed the personal library of President George W. Bush. The flood began in the presidential bathroom where the books were kept. Both books have been lost. A presidential spokesman said the president was devastated, as he had almost finished coloring the second one.

The White House tried to call FEMA. but there was no answer.


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  1. Ha! ” . . . he had almost finished coloring the second one.” That is hi-larious. Love it.

  2. No, no, this is horrible!

    Honjii, are you taking up a collection to replace the ruined tomes? Or are they listed on Pres. Bush’s ‘wish list’ at

    I wonder if there aren’t some additional books that might comfort and enrich our President, especially in the bathroom.

    Dover publishers had many titles coming out each month,

    And you can sign up with Dover Publishing for free, and they let you see samples from many of their coloring books!

    Please let us know how we can help our President and our nation!

  3. Hey Brad, just forward your comment to him with Dover’s website. Oh wait I forgot, Bush don’t use the “INTERNETS”.

  4. […] Harangues reported that the Presidential Library for President Bush was destroyed recently by flooding. This occurred in the Presidential Bathroom, where both books were kept. A […]

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